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Welcome to Episode 350 of the Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast! In this episode, Andrea Samadhi delves into an enlightening discussion with Dr. David Stephens, a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist renowned for his expertise in brain function and mental health. Discover groundbreaking insights into how glucose can be a game-changer in restoring brain function, mental health, and overall productivity.

Dr. Stephens shares his compelling journey that led to the revelation of glucose as a crucial element in brain restoration. From understanding the perceptible differences between glucose and sugar to unraveling common myths about brain health, this conversation is packed with scientific insights that challenge traditional paradigms. You won’t want to miss this fascinating exploration of how restoring glucose levels could revolutionize our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Watch our interview on YouTube here

Welcome back to SEASON 12 of The Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, where we connect the science-based evidence behind social and emotional learning and emotional intelligence training for improved well-being, achievement, productivity and results—using what I saw as the missing link (since we weren’t taught this when we were growing up in school), the application of practical neuroscience. I’m Andrea Samadi, an author, and an educator with a passion for learning and launched this podcast 6 years ago with the goal of bringing ALL the leading experts together (in one place) to help us to APPLY this research in our daily lives.

On today’s episode #350, we meet with Dr. David Stephens[i], a clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, and consultant with extensive experience in brain function, restoration and mental health.

On today’s EPISODE #350 “Unlocking Brain Health with Dr. David Stephens” we will cover:

✔ Groundbreaking insights into how glucose can be a game-changer in restoring brain function, mental health, and overall productivity.

✔ Dr. Stephens shares his compelling journey that led to the revelation of glucose as a crucial element in brain restoration.

✔ The perceptible differences between glucose and sugar

✔  Unravel common myths about brain health, while challenging traditional paradigms.

Some quick facts about Dr. Stephens. He was the

  • Former Director of Mental Health for three state prison systems
  • Overseen mental health services in jails throughout the US
  • Academic dean of an accredited graduate school of psychology
  • Correctional and architectural neuroscience consultant
  • Provides brain restoration services to individuals

What drew me to Dr. Stephens is that our podcast took a turn towards health and wellness after the Pandemic, and a huge part of this direction has been focused on brain health. We have met many experts along the way who have shared tips and strategies to give us hope in our journey of life, but Dr. Stephens will take this hope to new heights if we can keep our minds open.

While the front page of his website features the headline “Humanity Restored” when I went to the research[ii] behind his work, I was taken back a bit. It was all about glucose and its restorative effects on the brain and body.  Then I went to the peer reviewed studies[iii] to learn more, and realized that my understanding of glucose (what it is, how is glucose different from sugar (that I consider poison), and how can glucose be used to restore brain function)? All of my questions, I realized needed to be addressed before this interview. So, I watched some interviews Dr. Stephens had with other podcasters, and learned about “How to cure depression with glucose”[iv] and also where his work began where he connects hard science, and neuroscience, to spirituality.[v]

Let’s now meet Dr. David Stephens, where I will ask him to share his work and research that he has felt divinely inspired to share, and see if we can take this new knowledge and understanding, to break through our current paradigms, and move towards improved “physical, neurological, mental, emotional, and spiritual functions” (Stephens) of our brain health.

Welcome Dr. David Stephens, thank you for joining me today.

Dr. Stephens, before I even get into your research, your books, and your mission with your work, can we begin with where this journey began for you? I want to acknowledge how you feel that you were divinely guided with this work as I think that is important to address.

Q1: Can we talk about our brain, and the most important discovery you think has come about in recent years (that the brain must have fuel to function the way it does?) What is the science behind this important fuel for our body?

Q2: What about ketones as fuel for the brain? I ask this from understanding the keto diet (not saying it’s the best solution for everyone, but some people do well on it). Can we not just use ketones the same way you are saying we can use glucose?

Q3: What parts of the brain are fueled first, to last with this energy, and why should we understand this if we want to optimize our performance?

Q4: What are some problems that we know of, that result from low glucose or fuel to the brain?

Q5: Can we talk about how fuel to the brain can become limited. I think I heard you say that there are symptoms that can lead us to guess we could have limited glucose in our brain, especially if it’s causing all of these challenges for us, there has to be a cause behind this. Along with concussions that we see in the sports world, to merely bumping our heads? What should we know about injury and the correlation of our ability to provide enough fuel in our brain?

Q6: How do these concussions (or traumas, or high stress in our lives) translate to the brain and activate our sympathetic nervous system and put us into this state where we are in survival mode? A place that we know is not a good place for us to exist in?

Would you then say that all of the list of problems we spoke about, that are a result of low fuel to the brain, could also be attributed to the chemical process of concussions, or trauma, or high stress in our lives? I ask this as I have 2 daughters who are gymnasts. One has been diagnosed with a concussion, at the ER, and the other has hit her head enough times even though she has not been diagnosed. What should we be aware of about the origin of these mental/emotional/physical disorders that can be a result of a head injury?

Q7: How have we not heard of this solution for brain health yet? Is it because the research is so new?

Q8: At this point in writing these questions, I went to all the supplements I take for my brain health, to see if glucose was in them, and I couldn’t see any. Then I remembered when my youngest daughter was sick when she was first born, she picked up a virus and had to stay a week at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. I clearly remember them giving her a tube of something they said was sugar. Do you think this was glucose? She was too young to have any medicine.  This was the only thing they gave her, and she recovered thank goodness, after a week in hospital before she was 3 months old.

Q9: I’ve actually done a few podcast episodes on “The Damaging Effects of Sugar on the Brain and Body”[vi] with research that came from my foot doctor, who had me change my diet in 2005, and my health turned around for the better. What should we understand about glucose, vs sucralose that is connected to weight gain and type 2 diabetes? What’s important about understanding our blood sugar vs glucose levels in the brain?

Q10: How do we treat low glucose then? Is it as simple as taking something over the counter for this? Do we need to have symptoms like you’ve mentioned to consider this treatment? Why would someone seek this out?

Q11: What have you seen from treating people with low glucose levels in the brain?

Q12: Is there anything important that I have missed?

Thank you very much for your time today, to help us to all understand how we can improve our life and results by understanding the importance of glucose and our brain. For people to learn more about your work, is your website the best way?




Sugar: The Bitter Truth Published on YouTube 15 years ago.







[vi]  Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE 275 “The Damaging Impacts of Sugar on the Brain and Body”